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Vampire's love

Write what you think about vampire's love. Your ideas, expressions and poems, anything you want to say under the topic.
1 2 by Mishell »
on 03/09/2018 03:38 AM

Vampire Monastery

Training and upgrading.
2 4 by Kriss »
on 02/26/2018 02:22 PM

What are Vampires?

Share your ideas under this topic.
1 1 by princessdark »
on 02/02/2018 07:10 AM

New members

Introduce yourself, Post something you like to say.
1 3 by Mishell »
on 02/21/2018 07:17 AM

Welcome to a new Era

Vampires are the most attractive character ever created by humans. But still it in a place of a FANTASY. I s there any way to gain those abilities in REAL? keep in touch, Vampires gonna reveal it!.
1 1 by Kriss »
on 01/08/2018 06:01 AM

Statistics:  Total topics: 6  -  Total posts: 11